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Portable, Wireless e-Payment with the Omni 3600


(03/27/01, 04:49:14 PM EDT)

The Omni 3600 e-payment terminal from VeriFone gives merchants and door-to-door salesmen the ability to accept and process electronic transactions wirelessly. Broad wireless coverage and multi-application functionality give this Internet-enabled terminal the ability to support a variety of payment, payment-related, and value-added applications used by traditional merchants and merchants on the move.

The Omni 3600 has a triple-track magnetic-stripe reader, primary smart card reader, and internal PINpad to support applications including credit, debit, and smart card-based transactions. The smart card reader is compliant with Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) standards, which ensure global interoperability between chip-based cards and terminals today and in the future. Three Security Access Modules (SAMs) help safeguard sensitive financial data and support multiple smart card schemes.

The ergonomically-designed, lightweight device uses VeriFone's global e-payment platform, including VeriFone's Verix operating environment to support and run multiple applications on a single device. Verix allows information to be shared securely between applications when appropriate, and dynamically allocates memory to optimize space for additional applications. The terminal also comes with VeriFone's VeriShield security architecture, which meets the latest specifications for PIN-entry devices (PED) and prevents the execution of unauthorized software on Omni 3600 terminals.

In addition, the Omni 3600 is equipped with SoftPay e-payment software to support debit, credit, and electronic benefits transfer (EBT) transactions with customizable options to meet merchant's varying needs. An ATM-style interface and screen-addressable keys minimize training and clerical errors.

The Omni 3600's large graphical display and integrated thermal printer render logos, graphical fonts, and character-based languages at up to 15 lines per second. With a 32-bit processor, multi-tasking capabilities, and a continuous, virtual link with processors that eliminates dial-up delays, the Omni 3600 trims transaction times.

An interchangeable, lithium-ion battery that handles up to 100 transactions, including printing, on a single charge powers the Omni 3600. An optional charger base can charge both the terminal and a spare battery simultaneously. This base also includes a fast 14.4 Kbps modem to streamline batch settlement, perform remote software downloads, and provide backup transaction processing if needed. An auto adapter is also available.

The first version of the Omni 3600 will operate on the Cingular Interactive Intelligent Wireless Network from Cingular Interactive (formerly BellSouth Wireless Data), a business unit of Cingular Wireless, in the United States. In Canada and areas of Latin America, it will use Mobitex networks. Other versions of the Omni 3600 will utilize the GSM wireless network to cover areas in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

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