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SmartCode Simplifies Java RDF Development

(06/20/01, 10:10:51 AM EDT)

Information Architects' SmartCode 4.0, an Internet applications metadata framework for Java based applications, interacts with resource description frameworks (RDF). SmartCode 4.0's graphical interface allows both traditional developers and non-programmers to rapidly assemble metadata-based Java applications without requiring coding. Developers can create, manage, merge, and re-purpose content associated with data exchange and transformations.

SmartCode sits between the data and users, providing a Web-based view of internal and external content. The content remains in its original location and is formatted on the fly while users dynamically access it.

Unlike traditional data integration tools, which provide rigid bridges between data stores, SmartCode is built on a framework that lets the end users associate or link to the content with a specific task or business rule.

SmartCode includes the NetBeans-compatible Java and RDF interactive visual development environment, a library of data and metadata capture, access and transformation components, a dynamic syndication server, and a resource-tracker.

SmartCode works on top of the core distribution for the Java Servlet API and J2EE. Support for J2EE components includes Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Java Server Pages (JSP), and Java Naming and Directory Service (JNDI). SmartCode's support for Java Servlet API and EJB enables interoperability with Web servers and other Java application server platforms.

SmartCode comes with an Interactive Development Environment (IDE), which is designed as a plug in for the open source NetBeans platform, making it compatible with Sun's Forte Java Development Environment.

SmartCode further provides interactive support for application and data modeling. This includes support for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The release also provides advanced tools for building XML views of legacy data based on the XML, XSLT, and XPath specifications from the W3C.

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