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A New TASTE from Tuxia

By Michael Foley
(07/17/01, 09:11:41 AM EDT)

TUXIA has enhanced is TASTE software development environment for client iAppliances. TASTE is an application framework environment that is based on Linux to speed up the development of devices such as Web terminals and set top boxes. TSE (TUXIA Synthesis Environment) is the development toolkit used to configure TASTE for different applications.

TSE provides an open standards-based technology builder kit to allow manufacturers and developers to embed open source components, in-house developed software, and third-party applications with TASTE. TSE version 3.2 offers a number of new features for Web terminals, interactive set top boxes, and thin clients. TASTE stands for TUXIA Appliance Synthesis Technology, sets of reference designs for various information appliances. TASTE includes 3rd party applications, customer specific modifications, skins, and GUI's.

TSE's new features include:

    Customizable GUI
  • Embedded Nanozilla browser with a Java Virtual Machine
  • Support for Java applets, MP3, Macromedia Shockwave Flash, RealPlayer, and Adobe Acrobat
  • Support for TV viewing with resolution-optimized user interfaces and a scalable zoom mode
  • Internet connectivity through analog and ISDN modems, cable modems, DSL, and LANs
  • Multi-language support, including Chinese and Japanese


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