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Linux in Your Palm

(07/19/01, 08:19:00 AM EDT)

Empower Technologies has put Linux on Palm. The Linux DA O/Screated by Empower Technologies is an operating system upgrade for Palm IIIx and IIIxe handhelds. Empower Technologies' claims that embedded Linux DA runs faster and is more reliable than the native Palm operating systems shipped with the popular PDAs.

Empower Technologies' strategy of replacing the Palm OS with Linux is unique, although popular Microsoft Pocket PC platforms have been successfully replaced by open source Linux distributions as well.

A Palm III running Linux DA remains fully functional. Empower states that this is because of Linux DA O/S's ability to flexibly execute on Motorola's Dragonball CPU platform used by Palm handhelds.

A demonstration version of Linux for Palm IIIs, along with a user manual, is now available for free download from Empower Technologies at www.linuxda.com.

The demonstration includes: address book, schedule, calculator, and games. Empower has announced it will offer an e-commerce site where consumers will be able to purchase the full version of their Linux DA operating system in the near future.

Empower Technologies

Palm Computer

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