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MediaBZ Simplifies Wireless Rich Media Transport

(07/30/01, 07:59:45 AM EDT)

Blue Zone, Inc.'s MediaBZ Mobile software allows MediaBZ customers to use wireless handheld devices to view, create, and manage rich media content. Assets such as video, audio, text, graphics, animations, and polls can be managed and published directly to multiple platforms: the Web, interactive television, and other wireless devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDA's) and Web-enabled cell phones. MediaBZ Mobile is available on both Palm and Microsoft Pocket PC-based handheld devices equipped with wireless Internet access.

Using MediaBZ Mobile, users can create rich media content on the fly from remote locations, access core assets from the rest of the enterprise, and instantly publish enhanced content. For example, a journalist on assignment in a foreign country will have untethered access for writing a text story, attaching digital media such as photographs and video, and publishing interactive content right from the field. This content will then become instantly available for viewing by consumers on the Web, PDA's, Web-enabled cell phones, conventional television, and ITV.

In the MediaBZ environment, content is created once and published simultaneously to multiple platforms. Delivering to multiple platforms positions Blue Zone's clients to leverage new revenue opportunities, such as m-commerce, e-commerce, and t-commerce, as well as subscription-based services, pay-per-view, video-on-demand, and one-to-one targeted advertising.

Blue Zone

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