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FUSION 6.0 Takes TCP/IP to the Next Level

By Susan Hospod
(11/27/01, 10:26:19 AM EDT)

The Softworks Group, a division of NetSilicon, released FUSION 6.0, the latest version of its TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) product line for OEMs building connectivity into their electronic products.

FUSION is networking software, based on TCP/IP protocols, that enables intelligent devices to connect to networks and out to the Internet. The Softworks Group provides product developers with a suite of high performance networking communication protocols designed specifically for embedded applications. FUSION is written in 100% ANSI C language and is processor, operating system, and compiler independent. With FUSION 6.0, design engineers can choose which features they need for their applications, thereby conserving memory and maintaining performance.

Upgraded features in FUSION 6.0 include:

  • 35% performance increase over FUSION 5.0
  • Higher bandwidth capability and greater delivery reliability
  • Support for broadband, DSL, and high-speed networks
  • New SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Client and Server to set accurate date and time in networked devices
  • TCP enhancements to improve performance over high-bandwidth/high-latency networks, including window scaling, selective acknowledgement, slow start/congestion avoidance, and fast transmit/fast recovery
  • New TCP socket options to enable, disable or tune TCP features
  • Support for all multicast options
  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol) v2 upgrades including authentication and configurable route leaking
  • Enhanced functionality in DNS (Domain Name System) client and DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) client/server
  • Fully RFC 1661 compliant PPP with improved remote access server functionality, enabling robust and guaranteed data delivery

FUSION supports all popular processors, Ethernet chips, boards, serial interfaces, real-time operating systems, and development toolkits. In addition, FUSION's platform-independent architecture provides customers with the assurance that today's implementation can easily migrate forward to tomorrow's technology.

FUSION 6.0 is available immediately. For more information, please contact the Softworks Group.


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