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Microsoft Picks up Pace with Home Gateway Box

By Susan Hospod
(11/28/01, 02:08:58 AM EDT)

Microsoft and Pace Micro Technology Americas will showcase a next-generation wireless solution for the advanced set-top box at the Western Show 2001 in Anaheim, California. This demonstration, running on Microsoft TV Advanced, utilizes the Pace Di6000 advanced home gateway box and highlights how wireless, always-connected, high-speed connectivity to multiple devices in the home can extend the value of set-top boxes and create new revenue opportunities for network operators.

The wireless connectivity is enabled through Pace's Gateway Expander, a wireless base station that enables two-way communication from the broadband external network to peripheral electronic devices connected internally to the home network. The Gateway Expander in turn will connect wirelessly to a laptop PC and a personal digital assistant (PDA), enabling the PC and PDA to access the Internet via the cable modem in the set-top box. Pace and Microsoft will illustrate how consumers can conduct Internet-related activities, including Internet browsing, e-commerce, and streaming media, using an external device via wireless networking, with the added benefit of uninterrupted television viewing.

The Di6000 enables network operators to offer numerous advanced interactive services, including pay-per-view, e-mail, home shopping, home banking, and Web browsing, on television. In addition, the Di6000 has a DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS integrated cable modem, allowing transmission of interactive content to the television while simultaneously providing high-speed content to other devices around the home.

Microsoft TV Advanced enables cable, satellite, and terrestrial operators to offer their subscribers new interactive television features, including digital video recording, enhanced television programming, Internet on television, communications services, t-commerce (television commerce), advanced electronic programming guides, and more. Together, the Di6000 and Microsoft TV Advanced provide an excellent platform for launching broadband services in the home.

Pace Micro Technology

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