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TDK Systems' Go Blue Supports Palm Development

By Susan Hospod
(12/12/01, 11:52:48 AM EDT)

TDK Systems is marketing its Go Blue Wireless Development Toolkit to support Bluetooth software developers creating and testing new applications for the Palm OS.

Included in the toolkit are two TDK Systems USB Adapters, one USB 4way hub, a CD with all software including install, Router app, TDK Systems Palm drivers, Widcomm Bluetooth protocol stack, PID switch, Pocket Studio, Help and installation documentation, and references to online help.

The kit uses TDK Systems' USB Adapters to provide the Bluetooth links that enable the evaluation of applications. The tools are used in conjunction with the Palm Operating System Emulator (POSE) used to create fully integrated Palm applications.

TDK Systems' software engineers have created a router that allows up to 127 USB adapters to be virtually connected to individual POSE sessions, via a single PC. This allows the development and debugging of true Bluetooth applications, stressed to full piconet capacity.

Link:TDK Systems

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