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Moxi Opens Its Door to Home Entertainment

By Michael Foley
(01/08/02, 10:32:35 AM EDT)

Moxi Digital introduced itself and its home entertainment products and unveiled its flagship home entertainment platform, the Moxi Media Center (Moxi MC) at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas. In conjunction with the MC, Moxi announced several partnerships that enhance the product and help in worldwide distribution.

Moxi Media Center is a combination of a digital set-top box, video and music jukebox, media server, and Internet gateway and firewall, which enables network operators to deliver video, music, and data applications to subscribers. The Moxi Media Center integrates all major formats of video, audio, and animation into a single, easy-to-use solution for the consumer. The key capabilities of the Moxi Media Center include:

  • The Moxi Media Guide -- a revolutionary new navigation system to simply and quickly find TV shows, movies, music, and Flash animations, whether broadcasted, pre-recorded, or downloaded via the Internet.
  • The Moxi Media Player -- a secure multi-format, multi-transport, multi-room video and music playback system seamlessly integrated within the Moxi Media Guide.
  • The Moxi Personal Video Recorder -- an advanced system that securely supports multi-tuner SDTV and HDTV broadcast video, DVDs and DVD-enhanced broadcast video, PPV, Cached PPV, VOD, and Subscription VOD content with multi-room distribution.
  • The Moxi Music Jukebox -- a new way to securely store hundreds of CDs and thousands of tracks, whether from physical CDs, downloaded music, or Dolby surround-sound recordings, that is integrated with a rich music database. The Moxi Music Jukebox provides smart track bridging, playlist generation, and support for USB and Firewire-based MP3 players.
  • The Moxi Media Network -- a way to securely distribute video, music, and data throughout the home over wireless, coax (existing cable wiring), and Ethernet transports. Supported devices include Moxi Media Center Extensions (MCxTM), TVs, PCs, Macs, and Palm devices.

Moxi also announced today several key partnerships that enable the company to integrate best-in-breed services into its advanced platform.

  • Macromedia Flash Player 5 is embedded into the Moxi Media Center for use in the user interface and entertainment applications.
  • RealNetworks RealOne Player will be the preferred streaming media player in the Moxi Media Center.
  • Moxi also announced a strategic relationship with NDS Group plc with which it will integrate NDS's Open VideoGuard conditional access security solution into the Moxi Media Center.

Links: Moxi Digital

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