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Sitraka Diagnosis Tool Tracks J2EE Code

By Bernard Cole
(02/09/02, 01:54:53 PM EDT)

Toronto, Canada - To fill the common need of both enterprise server software developers and the small footprint iAppliances for code reliability at all levels in the chain of connectivity, Sitraka Inc. has released its PerformaSure 1.1 transaction-centric diagnosis tool for multi-tiered J2EE applications.

According to Alan Armstrong, director of new products at Sitraka, the company has developed a unique tag-and-follow technology which gives developers at a view of code at every level in a the multi-tier Web services application. Using it, developers can view the details of the application server configurations and run time information, JVM performance, database performance, network utilization and OS and hardware platform metrics.

In essence, he said, Tag-And-Follow reconstructs the execution path of end-user transactions, highlighting performance hotspots to accelerate root cause diagnosis of unacceptable e-business response times. Armed with targeted diagnostic intelligence about the offending component behind performance degradation, development and QA teams can then focus enhancements on just those components that genuinely impact the reliability of the connection between the iappliance and its server resource.

Complementing the Tag-And-Follow algorithm, the company's JProbe tool allows developers to determine if the performance problem originates in the application code itself. If that is where the problem is, he said, JProbe brings up an additional layer of diagnostics, right down to the offending line of code.

To generate and monitor production-level user loads in applications using J2EE, PerformaSure has been integrated with Mercury Interactive's industry-standard load testing tool, LoadRunner, to enable organizations to identify and isolate performance problems within a complex J2EE environment.

In addition to allowing developers to recreates execution paths of end-user transactions for targeted analysis tier by tier, the graphical interface used with Tag-And-Follow allows viewing of the interaction between layers (application components, the database, the network, etc.)

An additional navigation tool allows developers to fast-forward and rewind through all the collected performance data, as well as zoom in and out. According to Armstrong, the company has also incorporated a number of non-intrusive agents, which in combination with customizable investigation options, allow low-overhead analysis.

PerformaSure 1.1 is available immediately for BEA WebLogic Server 6.x running on Sun Solaris 6, 7 and 8 or Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (with service pack 2).

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