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QNX Gives Some Momentics Source Code to Eclipse

By Bernard Cole
(06/26/02, 05:55:02 PM EDT)

Ottawa, Canada ---To advance the adoption of standards for net-centric embedded and small footprint iappliance software development, QNX Software Systems Ltd. has contributed the source code from selected C/C++ tools in its Momentics development suite to Eclipse.org.

The QNX technology will be used to enhance the C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) Project for the Eclipse platform and to help build an extensible, industry-standard framework for integrating tools from a variety of C/C++ tools vendors.

QNX is taking the lead on the CDT Project, which, with QNX's source code, will help the project's C/C++ integrated development environment (IDE) work with a broad range of development hosts and target processors. Sebastien Marineau, a senior architect at QNX, has taken on the role of project leader for the CDT, and is being joined by other QNX Software Systems engineers who will contribute to the project. QNX tools partner Rational Software has also committed to provide development resources. The project team's goal is to make C/C++ support in Eclipse as strong as the Java support that the platform provides today.

"In developing the QNX Momentics development suite, we have acquired a vast amount of Eclipse knowledge and expertise," said Dan Dodge, co-founder and CEO of QNX. "By sharing portions of our code as well as our hands-on experience, we hope to enhance the strides already taken by the CDT initiative to deliver a standard, open source C/C++ IDE framework that will encourage tool integration across vendors."

The software donated by QNX is now being integrated into the Eclipse CDT Project. The QNX-enhanced CDT code will be available later this summer.

For more information go to either http://www.eclipse.org or to http://www.qnx.com.

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