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Neocore XMS 2.6 Accelerates XML processing

By Bernard Cole
(08/31/02, 02:34:53 AM EDT)

Colorado Springs, Colo. --- The newest version 2.6 of Neocore Inc.'s Information Management System (XMS), a self-constructing native XML database for accelerating applications and messaging that incorporates this hypertext language is now available in an optimized stand-alone server architecture.

The new version, which includes substantial support of XQuery and the option for a Solaris 64-bit platform, is designed to support the variety of varied and heterogenous data sets based on XML and its industry and market specific variants.

The XMS takes advantage of the natural associative hypertextual structure of XML and uses its Digital Pattern Processing (DPP) technology to accelerate transactions involving the language. Incorporation of Xquery into the newest version allows easier data entry through the use of its rich set of standards-based query. The availability of the software on the Solaris 64 bit server increases the amount of directly accessible memory and the speed with which such transactions can be processed.

The new version also incorporates a standard HTTP interface to provide a formatted URI method for Web Services capability, instant integration to other applications, and an ability to create lightweight client applications.

NeoCore XMS 2.6 is available Aug. 30. The Standard Edition, for 32-bit platforms, is priced at $20,000 per CPU. The Professional Edition, for 64-bit platforms, is $30,000 per CPU.

For more information about this product, go to www.neocore.com.

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