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Ogden Point File4ward brings secure P2P to file sharing

By Bernard Cole
(05/02/05, 12:32:34 AM GMT)

Victoria, BC, Canada – Moving beyond downloading and sharing of audio and music files, Ogden Point Software is taking a major step beyond traditional uses of point to point software with its File4ward patent pending remote access technology.

According to Rob Gagnon, CEO of Ogden Point, File4ward is focusing its secure P2P approach on the need for individual users to access their own PC-based files remotely or files on various drives of other users who are part of a set of approved users.

“Unlike other software that gives users operating system command and application access (terrifying to most systems administrators), File4ward only permits access to files,” he said, allowing users to access their own files or, if a group installs the software, files of each other under one user account.

“We had numerous requests from companies wanting a secure means for employees to access work files from home without compromising the network” said Gagnon. “This allows companies and work groups access to each other’s files in a safe and entirely private network (unlike traditional P2P networks like Kazaa or E-Mule).

Ultra large files are detected and specially routed to protected servers where they can be picked up from an email link. “Most ISPs have a barrier or limit of 2MB for email size. This means most people can’t actually send massive files like pictures, movies or audio” he said. “Traditional file sharing applications (made infamous by illegal methods) can move large files but aren’t suited for people needing access to their OWN files”.

Each PC installs and sets up a copy of the client software using the registration information generated. The software installs in minutes and is accessible from any browser anywhere on the Internet. Users can even use a cell phone, PDA or Pocket PC to access files.

To learn more, go to www.penokio.com.

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