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In-Stat: Media-enabled mobile devices main users of 'Internet Video”

Bernard Cole
(08/13/08, 8:15 AM GMT)

Scottsdale, Az. – According to In-Stat, market and technology forces, as well as mobile user preferences is making it more likely that the main users of so-called “Internet Video” will be users of mobile video enabled mobile phones. According to David Chamberlain, In-Stat analyst, two forces have emerged to radically change the definition of "mobile video."  

One is that Internet delivery of user-generated and professionally produced content is moving viewers from their living rooms to their computers, the high-tech market research firm says.

Second, he said, high-quality mobile devices that use wireless networks (such as Apple's Wi-Fi iPhone and iPod Touch) are improving mobile access to the Internet in general. As a result, "Internet video" increasingly means "mobile video."

In-Stat identified two potential models for mobile TV viewing: "waiting room" and "leisure time" with very different requirements. "Personal devices such as cellphones and personal media players are preferred for the waiting room scenario,” said Chamberlain.

“However, if there is more time available, survey respondents preferred larger screens on products such mobile Internet devices or ultra-mobile PCs"

To learn more, go to www.in-stat.com.

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