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emWare's Paging System Provides Remote Connectivity

By Michael Foley

(04/22/01, 10:31:03 PM EDT)

emWare, Inc. is putting a new spin on old technology to provide remote connectivity to legacy systems. Its new DeviceLink module bridges data from a system to a paging network to provide remote wireless communication. A central server can then be used to bridge the data on the paging network to the Internet.

DeviceLink is a small hardware/software module that attaches to any device with a serial port in order to transfer data to a paging network. DeviceLink converts a device's native serial protocol into communications packets that can be sent via a two-way paging mechanism. If there are several networked devices in proximity, they can share the same pager to save overall hardware costs.

Paging packets are sent to a central server that converts the packets to TCP/IP. The information can then be automatically accessed across a LAN or over the Internet. Web pages are then generated to display the data through a standard Web browser or to interface with an application.

emWare offers consulting services to integrate DeviceLink and the data interfaces. DeviceLink is available today by calling emWare.

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